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Stata Online Courses - Master Your Data

Explore. Enrol. Learn

Dive deep into the world of data analysis with our comprehensive Stata online courses. Designed to make you proficient, these NetCourses will teach you everything you need to know to not only use, but to master Stata software. Whether you use it for your business or are a budding researcher seeking easier ways to analyse your data, Stata trainers deliver interactive course content that equips you with the skills to use this incredible software in the real world. Browse our NetCourses and become a Stata student today.

Why Learn How to Use Stata?

Statistical data is incredibly important, but when we can't access, read, interpret, or analyse it, it becomes somewhat meaningless. Stata is a powerful tool that allows you to house and clearly visualise your data. While it's a fairly straightforward piece of technology, many users don't understand Stata's full capabilities, often missing key stats or becoming frustrated when they can't source the results they're looking for. Here are some more reasons why you should enrol in a Stata NetCourse:

  • Allows you to analyse data with precision and efficiency
  • Teaches you how to manipulate data in an impactful way
  • Learn to manage large datasets with ease
  • Understand how to transform raw data into strategic decision-making
  • Stata proficiency allows you to enhance research and business outcomes
  • Mastering Stata gives you a leg-up in the competitive, data-driven industry

Who Benefits From Stata Training?

Data is everywhere. It's crucial. From understanding how many customers you served in a year to outlining the prevalence of disease or visualising profit margins, data is the key to efficient operations and meaningful decision-making. Stata is a remarkable statistical analysis tool and one that is used across various industries. Here is who can benefit from learning the software:

  • Professionals wanting to enhance their analytical skills
  • Academics, researchers, and statisticians seeking valuable insights from complex data sets
  • Policy analysts and public health experts needing clear evidence to inform decisions
  • Economists and marketers looking to reveal trends and consumer patterns
  • Organisation leaders wanting to optimise workflow and increase efficiencies
  • Individuals wanting to upskill and expand their statistical knowledge
  • Stata dabblers who are keen to discover more about the software and its capabilities

Stata NetCourses

At SDAS, we provide access to several Stata training courses delivered online. Course trainers know the software inside and out and will teach you how to use it effectively and efficiently. NetCourses are available to beginners and those with experience on the tools. Simply enrol in the one/s that are relevant to you.

Courses are offered twice a year and run for approximately six weeks on average. Prerequisites may apply.

  1. Introduction to Stata

    Master the full suite of Stata's capabilities to become a proficient user. In this beginner course, you'll learn how the software works and grasp the full functionality of Stata's interface. You'll also learn how to document, merge, transfer, manage, and interpret data across various formats using Stata's tools and instinctive command syntax.

  2. Statistical Graphics Using Stata

    All about graphs. In this course, you'll learn how to create various graph types to clearly visualise data. We will teach you how to use the Graph Editor tool to construct personalised graphs tailored to your needs. You'll learn to verify model premises and utilise 'margins' and 'marginsplot' for nuanced data presentation.

  3. Introduction to Stata Programming

    In this course, learn how to master Stata for workflow efficiency. You'll cover Stata's scripting capabilities, learn about branching, looping, and flow of control, and understand how to access and manipulate stored estimation results for comprehensive analysis. Learn to use Stata in bootstrapping and Monte Carlo simulations.

  4. Univariate Time Series With Stata

    The Univariate Time Series course focuses on the development of practical skills within Stata. Ideal for various audiences, including managers and economists, you'll learn fundamental forecasting methods for insightful predictions and gain proficiency in seasonal model forecasting for time-sensitive data. Master techniques for managing date and date-time datasets and understand and apply ARIMA and ARMAX models for complex analysis.

  5. Introduction to Panel Data Using Stata

    This course is designed for researchers and practitioners across various industries. In it, you'll delve into the interpretation and foundational assumptions of panel-data results and learn how to master linear, nonlinear, and dynamic panel-data estimation.

  6. Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata

    Master survival data analysis and understand the key concepts with Stata's comprehensive tools. In this NetCourse, you'll learn how to prepare your data, perform descriptive statistics effectively, utilise life tables, plot Kaplan-Meier curves, apply semiparametric and parametric regression techniques, and set one-time survival-time characteristics.

  7. Writing Your Own Stata Commands

    Master survival data analysis and understand the key concepts with Stata's comprehensive tools. In this NetCourse, you'll learn how to prepare your data, perform descriptive statistics effectively, utilise life tables, plot Kaplan-Meier curves, apply semiparametric and parametric regression techniques, and set one-time survival-time characteristics.

Enrol in a Stata Training Course Today

If you're ready to delve into the intricacies of data management and statistical analysis using Stata, enrol in a NetCourses today. Course offerings cater to both beginners and seasoned statisticians and will help you master Stata's powerful tools and navigate the platform with ease. Delivered online, these NetCourses are taught by some of the world’s best Stata experts. Enrol in a Stata course to secure your spot today.